Monday, November 9, 2015

Adventures in Reiki with Surgery

The bowl of a kuan yin statue owned by a loved one. Love the message.
(c) 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit

I don't normally share my personal stuff publicly, but feel this might help another somewhere somehow and felt compelled to share my surgical story and the power of reiki healing.

For years I suffered from various issues that ultimately led to surgery recently involving my ovaries. Leading up to the surgery itself, I had been experiencing an increasing amount of anxiety and insomnia. I was stumped as to what was possibly causing such a surge of emotions, because I do practice what I preach with lots of rest, ‎healthy eating, exercise, meditation, and self reiki‬. So I was a little surprised as to why the sudden increase.

I feel the source could be part karmic‬ and part life changing. I really don't want children at this stage in my life, but at same time, I mourn the loss of my own. Without going into details, I suffered years of abuse much of my life. Although, I have spent the last 10 years  working on healing the roots from all the traumas associated with abuse.

So I decided to just sit and embrace whatever emotions‬ surfaced at that time. This is important to pause and ‎nurture‬ the child within while staying present at all times. If this was so called past stuff emerging, I embraced what is. I accepted and through mindfulness based techniques, reiki, and other energy work, I lovingly assisted these issues to past through me.

I also chose two mantras to repeat:

The first one: "I accept‬ what is. I  surrender‬ to what was, and I have faith‬ in what will be. ... and so it is."

The second one is the Gokkai in Japanese or the Reiki Precepts in Japanese: "Kyo dake wa (Just for today). Ikaru na (Do not anger). Shinpei suna (Do not worry). Kansha shite (Be grateful). Gyo o hageme (Work diligently/dutifully). Hito ni shinsetsu ni (Be kind to others)."

I went to the hospital and experienced a phenomenal staff with some profound spiritual experiences which is a story for another time. I will say my surgery was more than a medical procedure for the physical body. That part went superbly well and experienced no pain afterwards. This was part of a larger spiritual journey and healing karmic cords not just in my life, but the lives of those nurses brought into my life to care for me pre-op and post-op.

I recently had my post-op follow-up with my surgeon. Since my surgery, I've been doing lots of reflecting and realization. 
  1. The more I partner with my soul, unite with soul, live soulful, the more I reclaim my power. I no longer accept the demands or perceptions of what society wants to dictate to me. Instead I trust my soul, and lively more authentically.
  2. The Power of energy healing such as reiki‬ is way under estimated. It is because of the self reiki prep I did pre-op and all the distance healing sent from all of you, I experienced no pain after the day of surgery. I had some discomfort, but nothing worth taking even a motrin for that reiki couldn't do.
  3. The only complications I had were due to being told by the surgical prep team, I was not going to be fully incubated due to history of brain bleeds only to wake up to realize I was completely out for over 2 hours. I experienced some unanticipated brochiospasms, difficulty in speech and breathing, and faintness. If I knew I was going to be fully put under anesthesia, I would have prepared there too. This only goes to the power of reiki again, because of what i did experience when reiki was used. 
  4. My surgeon, although an Osteopath, was a little shocked I took "no" pain meds after surgery. I told her I had a wonderful team of healers and reiki practitioners behind me so it was not necessary. I thought to myself, if modern medicine and our society as a whole would embrace again the ideology and belief that our bodies were designed to heal themselves and used treatment options to embrace this, the drug use in America may look different.
I wanted to share my story, because I wanted everyone to be reminded that our bodies are designed to heal themselves. The power to heal lies within us all.

Not only doing reiki, but living reiki and being reiki is even more important. I thank you for being a part of my spiritual‬ journey‬.

Have a great reiki filled fall day.

For more information, please visit 

(c) 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

A Personal Message For Those Interested in Learning Reiki or Receiving Reiki

Reiki held at the Westport Farmer's Market, Westport, MA
Want to meet or join a reiki healing community?
Interested in knowing more about reiki as part of your self healing?
Want to learn how to do reiki either on yourself or others?

My goal is to help make this world a better place, and help others find their own magnificence and healing within.
As Glenda from the Wizard of Oz would say "you've had the power all along my dear"

As someone who worked in the healthcare industry most of my life, I used to get frustrated at where we were headed. This frustration stemmed from patients thinking a pill or vaccine will fix everything including viruses to doctors treating your parts and symptoms not root causes. I've dedicated the last 9 yrs to studying and learning holistic therapies and alternatives.

Reiki has by far made the greatest impact in my life personally, and what I've seen reiki do for others is like watching your child take their first step. It's utter magnificent.

I've worked on clients with cancer, trauma associated with abuse, spinal stenosis, arthritic pain, eczema, stress, anxiety, ptsd, insomnia, addictions, bad habits and so forth.

I've studied Western Usui Reiki with the influence of Mrs. Takata and I use William Lee Rand's teaching materials.

I'm currently studying other forms of reiki with the emphasis on the "original" non westernized form of reiki with Jikiden Reiki being the primary focus. I was fortunate to have studied with Frank "Arjava" Petter, who is the Vice President of the Jikiden Reiki Institute, Kyoto, Japan.
Along the way, I've been honored and blessed to have met some amazing people who have changed my life forever.

My goal in teaching reiki comes from the heart teaching what I've learned to help you become empowered and understand we all have the power to heal. Like our founder, Mikao Usui, I focus on the individual needs of the student. Are there guidelines on what to focus on? Yes, but how it is taught changes.
If you are interested in learning more, feel free to private message me or visit
Here is a list of upcoming fall dates for upcoming reiki healing days, reiki shares, and reiki certification classes in Hingham, MA
(dates subject to change. Please email us for confirmation):
Open Reiki Share and Healing Day
Dates: Sunday, 9/20, 10/18, 11/15 starting at 3pm.
First come first serve by donation.
Open to practitioners of any lineage who would like to share and exchange and anyone interested in receiving reiki or learning more about how reiki can help with self healing. ...

Open Reiki Share and Healing Day
Dates: Monday, 10/5, 11/2, 12/7 starting at 7pm.
First come first serve by donation.
Open to practitioners of any lineage who would like to share and exchange and anyone interested in receiving reiki or learning more about how reiki can help with self healing. ...

Reiki Healing Guided Meditaion and Attunement:
Dates: Monday, 10/5, 11/2, 12/7 starting at 6pm. 
Registration required

Reiki Level I Workshop and Certification
Sunday, October 11th from 10am-6pm
Open to anyone interested in learning this wonderful Japanese healing modality. Level I focuses on the physical plane. Learn the history of reiki, its various applications of use, hand on techniques, the importance of practicing reiki, receive an attunement, learning the reiki precepts and why they are important and more. Text book included. Lots of hands on training. Recerts available at discount.

Reiki Level II Workshop and Certification
Sunday, November 1st from 10am-6pm
Open to anyone who wishes to progress their reiki training to the next level who have successfully completed Reiki Level I training. Reiki II focuses on the mental plane. Learn the Reiki symbols, receive an attunement to reiki, learn additional tools and training in the applications of use, and additional hands on training. Recerts available at a discount.

Want to learn reiki, but unable to attend these workshops? Inquire about private individual reiki training or retraining.

For more information about services, events, or reiki classes, please visit or private message us.

I look forward to sharing reiki with you.
Reiki on ...
Breathe Reiki
Live reiki
Be reiki
Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Jikiden Reiki Practitioner in Shoden and Okuden


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

My Jikiden Reiki Experience and Messages from Spirit Along the Way

Laura receiving her temporary Jikiden Certificate from
Frank "Arjava" Petter in Shoden and Okuden in
Connecticut May 2015
Well I did it ... 1st phase is complete with your help. I cannot say thank you enough to all who made this journey possible.

I am officially Jikiden Reiki® trained in Shoden and Okuden and will be receiving my certificate from Kyoto, Japan. This has been a dream of mine since I first learned about reiki and I have indirectly studied with Arjava throughout the years through his books.

I have firmly believe that Jikiden Reiki® was the key to help me move forward in my work especially in the healing work in the abuse communities such as domestic violence, sex abuse, and child abuse for which I am passionate about.

Spirit was with me the whole time guiding the way sending messages and confirmations along the way.

I enjoy sharing my experiences in Jikiden Reiki® with you which come from the heart in hopes you find your own inner peace and healing. My hope is you discover how we all have the power to heal ourselves by connecting to the Universal energies.

In this blog:
  • What is Jikiden Reiki®
  • Laura Embarks on a Jikiden Reiki® Journey
  • The Week Long Spirit Messages
  • Since Laura's Week in Connecticut
  • Laura's Jikiden Reiki Path
  • How you can help fulfill this dream

The Reiki Lineage as found on
the Jikiden Reiki Institute
What is Jikiden Reiki®?

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a simple form of energy healing from Japan known as "Shinshin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho", which translates as "Usui treatment for the improvement of body and mind".

Jikiden Reiki is the original teaching of Reiki presented with credibility and clarity that is free from Western influence.

The word Reiki itself means "universal life energy", which is the natural, vital healing force found in all life. 

Jikiden Reiki® sessions focus on removing toxins from the body and guiding it towards wholeness.

Jikiden Reiki is known for its effective treatment of acute and chronic conditions, as well as to address deep rooted beliefs, habits, traumas and addictions.

Reiki has been effective treatment option like alleviating pain, pre-op and post-op surgery recovery, anxiety, skin conditions and posttraumatic stress.

Laura Embarks on a Jikiden Reiki® Journey
When I left Massachusetts to embark on this new journey, I had no comprehension as to what to expect except that I experienced a fluctuation of emotions from excitement to nervousness to fear to gratitude all at the same time.

I believe in my gut learning Jikiden Reiki® is necessary both for my continued self healing from abuse as well as using it as another tool to help others heal from the long term physical health, mental health, and spiritual health affects from abuse. My goal is to help break the cycle of abuse through long term permanent healing and to provide complimentary services to traditional health care services provided by domestic violence organizations and medical offices.

Dolce Conference Center, Norwalk, Ct
I was so eager to learn all I can from Frank "Arjava" Petter in a beautiful awe inspiring conducive learning environment with an amazing group of wonderful healers from all many countries and backgrounds including hospice and sexual trauma. I had NO idea how valuable this weeklong training would be for my personal healing from past abuses I endured until Spirit smacked me upside the head in a gentle loving manner with some of the best teachers I could have ever asked for. 

"Arjava" is one of the foremost experts, healers, and historians on the original form of reiki by Makao Usui in Japan who doesn't come to the US that often to teach. I can't express into words how blessed I feel to have the opportunity to learn from him.

The rainbow spotted on a cloudless sky on day 3
The Week Long Spirit Messages

Many of you may know I get many messages from Spirit as either a direct message or a confirmation.

Day Two:  One of the other students and I had an interesting experience with a dragon fly. Upon discovery, it appeared dead and had ants crawling all over the head. However, it was still alive. In attempts to pick it up, it flew away and fell in the pond upside down. We then rescued it once again, and placed it on the bench when the messages began to flutter in from Spirit.

The dragonfly is very symbolic in many spiritual beliefs. To me, it meant to shift beyond the fear and illusions of the past.  In Jikiden Reiki® that week, it represented the shifting of vibrations leading the way thru all the mists of change. It also was a reminder that we are all divinely supported while we transition to our true power and inner wisdom.

The ants to me were very representative of teamwork to help remove toxins that are blocking our way from living our true life.

Dragonflies are also a very prominent symbol in Jikiden Reiki and many other Reiki modalities.

Day Three:  I saw a rainbow (as pictured above) while on my morning meditative walk on the way to class on day three of my training and viewed it as a gift from Spirit and Ascended Masters to all of us in our class.

This was the 2nd day with a clear message from the Universe. This had been such an incredible journey so far.  The experience is far better than any conceived expectations I may have had prior.

There was so much to learn and the more I learned, the more I realized I don't know and unlearned certain aspects of what I thought I knew.

I have been practicing Reiki for 9 years now, and I feel we have just scratched the surface and all its potential to heal any known disease including those associated with abuse such as PTSD, depression, anxiety, insomnia, digestive issues, and more. 

I feel so blessed to be surrounded with such soulful loving inspirational healing energy. I can't wait to see what's next. Here is the Youtube video of the moving rainbow.

Conversations with a catbird - While on break I also came across a catbird which seemingly went out of his way to get my attention of squawking from branch to branch then hopping on the ground with direct eye contact, I listened. Only then, after I began to listen, the catbird flew off.

The message I received was confirmation about the new people I was meeting that week who taught me valuable lessons especially in the areas of simplification and communication.

Day Four:  Let the birthing begin. We experienced another incredible day with nature being our communicator. We had a family of geese with two babies swim up to us seemingly from nowhere and a blackbird nest just above us.

To me, here is a great explanation of what I knew and was experiencing regarding the blackbird and the birthing that was taking place. For that I am grateful to Spirit and all those I learned from that week of training as it changed my life.

From What's Your Sign :
"Black birds demand our commitment to learning their wisdom, and do not reveal their meanings unless they are convinced we've devoted ourselves completely to the path of understanding (both dark and light sides of) energy.

This is a fundamental concept of alchemy which is: Transition and Transformation. The bird is symbolic of life in the heavens (higher ideals, higher path of knowing) and the color black is symbolic of pure potential. Between the two, there is no limit to human transformation - all we have to do is close the shutters of the rational mind, and start sojourning with our darkly feathered friends."

The geese were reminding me to stay grounded, forge ahead with confidence, and never forget all those who helped me along this journey. 

Yohei Yamaguchi (Chiyoko Yamaguchi's Grandson)
Laura Joseph and Frank "Arjava" Petter on the final day
Since Laura's Week in Connecticut: It sure has been with whirlwind for sure even with mercury in retrograde, but blessed at all the opportunities to share what I have learned.  The past few weeks we've seen an upsurge of emotions, trials, and tribulations. This most recent mercury retrograde has a lot of us on our toes and stress levels at a high as if it knew which buttons to push to aggravate us.

Well it's not about aggravating you. It's about helping you become who your soul came here to be. When we can pause a moment and stay present, all situations seem to work themselves out. The biggest challenge many times is getting in our own way and not going with the flow of the Universe.

As a result, over the last several weeks, I have been helping my clients break that cycle by helping them address their own unwanted habits and remove toxic energies from the body. Through the gentle use of Jikiden Reiki® and Spiritual Guidance, I observed the reduction of stress and anxiety  which were replaced with inner peace, calmness, and clarity.  Removing unwanted habits is just one of the many benefits of experiencing Jikiden Reiki.

The first miracle I witnessed was a small hematoma I had that was not healing after a week, and while administering Jikiden Reiki on the way home, the bruise began to heal.  I was amazed that upon my return, I could clearly see where my fingers were on my leg as that was the part of the bruise that completely healed. I wrote about this experience and others which you can read here.

Laura's Jikiden Reiki Path:  My experience learning Jikiden Reiki from these two beautiful souls, Frank Arjava Petter Sensei and Yohei Yamaguchi was priceless to me.

This is not to mention the wisdom I learned ... the building of trust and confidence in the gifts of universal energies that we can all tap into and most importantly the bonds created and the self healing I experienced I will cherish for a lifetime.

For the first time in my life, I feel like I am trusting in the path Spirit has laid out for me and Jikiden Reiki was the key missing piece of the puzzle. Maybe I am an idealist, but I believe we truly can change the world through healing and compassion. Wars will die out and mother earth healthy and bountiful again.

Please join me in this journey together.

Thank you all for helping make this dream come true. All of you helped make this possible. Can't express how blessed I feel.

Laura giving a presentation on the benefits of Holistic Healing
for victims of abuse as a viable treatment option.
How you can help fulfill this dream?  I feel like I have a lot still to learn if I want to help others find their own healing not to mention my passion to break the cycle of abuse through the power of healing.

However, to continue my training is quite expensive and requires case studies and clinical hours.  If you would like to support my continued training with some of the world's leading experts, please click here to read my complete bio, mission, incentive lists, and updates from my training in Connecticut in May 2015.

I would love your feedback to my story and if you have a healing story you would like to share, I would really like to hear from you. This could be on how Jikiden Reiki helped you heal or it could be on holistic therapies helping heal trauma associated with abuse.

Thank you for reading, and have a blessed day,

Laura Joseph, RMA, RMT, BFA
Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Guest Speaker, Teacher
Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui/Tibetan Tradition
Jikiden Reiki Pratictioner in Shoden and Okuden

To schedule an appointment or to learn more, please visit

Friday, June 5, 2015

My Journey and Experiment Through Jikiden Reiki

I wanted to share my personal story, spiritual journey and experiment through Usui Reiki and Jikiden Reiki®. Most of my background in Reiki over the last 9 years has been primarily in the healthcare setting or at various spiritual locations. I have worked on pets, children, and adults. I have used Reiki for cancer, digestive disorders, anxiety, anger, kidney diseases, abuse related issues etc.

One of the many miracles witnessed during my Jikiden Reiki
training. This is a rainbow in a cloudless sky.
2015 Laura Healing With Spirit, Dolce, Norwalk, CT
A Little About My Background: As many of you may or may not know, I have worked a cumulative 15+ years in various aspects of healthcare from direct patient care to administration to teaching in a college setting.

Since 2006, I began including more holistic health and complimentary alternative medicine modalities or mind-body medicine therapies such as reiki.

The Journey To Self Healing: As a domestic abuse survivor who has gone through the legal system as well as worked in the healthcare system, I realized something wasn't working in my own healing. Instead, I felt there were bandaids applied and massive judgments and discrimination with the courts systems only made my healing less possible.

With what began a journey in self-healing from an abusive marriage, I dived into learning ways into healing trauma associated with abuse such as domestic abuse, child abuse, and sex abuse. I began learning the medical side such as treatments, medical statistics, the problems statically of the re-traumatization of family courts, meditation, nutrition, mind-body medicine therapies, importance of spirituality, reiki, yuen energetics, sound therapies, and more.

With self-healing and learning these alternative methods, I began to finally see improvement in self and others as time went on. I even discovered a personal statistic that no agency or organization has been able to provide me with medical documentation to back up my preliminary findings ... A 100% link between breast cancer and abuse.

What I Do To Help Healing Survivors Of Abuse:
As more and more abuse survivors began seeking me out for help, the more and more I wanted to help them based on what I learned which started out with basic guided and mindfulness meditation in my office and at one of the local battered women's shelters.

With each recorded success, I felt empowered to learn more both for self-healing and for healing for others.  I began studying and learning various alternative modalities like reiki over the years and worked directly with domestic abuse, child abuse, and sex abuse survivors.

Beginning 2011, I coached and used subtle healing and mindfulness based practices in the college setting as an adjunct instructor where students who were in an abusive situation sought my assistance. At the time the college was not equipped to assist in such matters so I became the go to person.

I also became a volunteer and board member for Massachusetts Survivors Outreach in hopes to bring to light the benefits of alternative therapies such as reiki in healing abuse.  My goal was to research and back up in the office the successes or findings I was experiencing clinically. Hence, finding a different way to break the cycle of violence through knowledge and healing.

The graphics on this page are just one campaign I was a part of called the "Did You Know Campaign" educating the general public about the issues surrounding abuse statistically as well as showing the benefits of alternative healing modalities such as reiki from a scientific standpoint.

I also recently spoke at the 2015 Celebration of Reiki Conference "Reiki Reaches Out" Panel on my experiences using reiki to heal traumas associated with abuse.

My Jikiden Training: In May 2015, I had an amazing opportunity to continue my Reiki training by learning Jikiden Reiki® from Arjava Sensei who came to New England May 12th in Norwalk, CT.

Jikiden Reiki® is something I have been feeling deeply compelled to learn for a couple years now.  All Jikiden courses taught by Arjava Sensei are accredited by the Japanese Jikiden Reiki® Institute in Kyoto, Japan, and I will receive my certificate directly from Japan.

Jikiden  Reiki® is a simple form of energy healing from Japan known as “Shinshin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho" which translates as "Usui treatment for the improvement of body and mind." Jikiden Reiki® is the original teaching of Reiki presented with credibility and clarity.

Jikiden is entirely free of Western influence. Its roots go back almost to the discovery of Reiki itself.  It differs from "Western" style Reiki in approach, attitude and ideas.  I will experience Reiki in its original beauty and simplicity.

This is a rare opportunity for me to study with someone so closely related to the culture and ideas that Reiki is steeped in and I am very excited about it especially on the ways it can assist in healing various traumas associated with abuse.

This training is just one more notch to help me on my path to help find long term healing solutions to abuse so a survivor no longer has to become a statistic.

As a result of  the recommendation of one of my students, I created a GoFundMe account to help make help make my dream a reality. I can not express the level of gratitude and appreciation I have for all those who contributed to the campaign as I am experiencing incredible healing like I have never experienced before.

Shoden and Okuden Jikden Reiki Training
PHOTO: Yohei Yamaguchi, Laura Joseph, Frank "Arjava" Petter
2015 Doce, Norwalk, CT

Well after I left Connecticut after studying Shoden and Okuden  in May of 2015 with amazing teachers, with Arjava Sensei and Yohei Yamaguchi, from the Jikiden Reiki® Institute, Koyoto Japan,  I decided to try an experiment.

Just prior to coming to Connecticut, I had taught a Reiki level 1 class using the materials provided by William Lee Rand.

While cleaning up and removing the blanket off of the exam table a corner had gotten caught and ricocheted back jamming my leg into the corner of the table causing a small hematoma.

One thing I noticed all week is that the bruise never healed and actually looked a little worse .... So after the last day of class, which happened to be exactly 8 days after the initial bruise with no change, I decided to try the experiment.

I figured what the heck, I'll be sitting in a car for three and a half hours or more driving back. So I administered Jikiden Reiki® on my leg with my left hand while driving on half of the bruise.

The side I did reiki on it cleared 80% by the time I arrived and unpacked the car (approx 5hrs) with clear finger print marks in it and completely in that side within 12hrs. Now, just to remind you, I have been a practicing reiki professional for over 9 years now. This result even completely dumbfounded me.

The side I did NOT do reiki is finally starting to heal after 2 weeks and finally cleared up at a month. I find it so incredible and love the healing power of reiki.

What amazed me was this was "just a bruise". What could be the results when applied to cancer, infections, insomnia, anxiety, trauma, surgery, etc?

I am amazed at how Spirit works every time and the Universal energies of healing. Just in the short time I have trained I have bared witness to other instances such as:
  1. A 6 mo post-op cancer patient going from non-healing and facing more invasive procedures to wound healing and reversal of original medical plans.
  2. severe chronic eczema with numerous doctors and unclear diagnosis for years with no relief to an 85% improvement for the first time in years just after one treatment.
  3. and finally here is what another reiki practitioner had to say after a Jikiden reiki treatment who had serious sleep issues, fibromyalgia, and other health complications "WOW, that was a powerful session of Jikiden Reiki with Laura Joseph yesterday! Slept like a baby last night for about 10 hrs. last night! Feel great today! Thank you, Laura (grin emoticon) xxx"
My goal will be to eventually provide clear evidential case studies of the value and benefits of Jikiden Reiki® with a qualified professional.

I can not wait to see what lies ahead.

"If everyone knew they had the power to heal themselves, they could change the world and how we view medicine." - Laura Joseph, RMA, RMT, BFA

Curious about Jikiden Reiki®? I am currently offering 60/90/120min Jikiden Reiki® treatments in my Hingham, MA office. Please email me to schedule an appointment.

"Buddha Time"
2015 Laura Joseph, RMA, RMT, BFA

If you would like to assist in helping me continue my Jikiden Reiki® Path or to read more about my journey, please visit my GoFundMe account to help make help make my dream a reality.

My goal is to continue my training with Arjava and attend the 2016 Jikiden World Congress event and training in October of 2016.

Any amount you can give is greatly appreciated and will help me attend the necessary training. I am so looking forward to growing in my Reiki practice and incorporating what I learned into my sessions and classes, but especially to help me continue my passions in the abuse community and to help continuing establish reiki as a viable healing modality to heal traumas associated with abuse.

For more information about my reiki work, please visit my about Laura reiki page.

Thank you so much for your help and consideration! I and those I aim to help appreciate your assistance in helping break the cycle through healing.

Reiki Blessings,
Laura Joseph, RMA, RMT, BFA
Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Jikiden Reiki® Practitioner, Shoden and Okuden

Friday, February 27, 2015

What is a Reiki Share?

(c)2009-2015  Laura Healing With Spirit. All Rights Reserved
Laura's students learning Reiki (c)2009-2015 All Rights Reserved
Suffering from depression, anxiety, arthritis, trauma, pain, cancer, chronic stress, headaches, chronic illness? Never experienced Reiki before? Please keep reading to learn more about the benefits of reiki and what a Reiki share is.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese complementary alternative mind body medicine therapy that works with the human body's own bioenergy field. It uses vibrational, or subtle energy, administered most commonly by a light touch of the hands to assist the body's ability to heal itself.

Reiki has gained acceptance and popularity over the years and is widely used and accepted as an effective therapeutic treatment in ...many medical offices and hospitals across the country.

As time goes on, there are more and more medical studies coming out on the efficacy of Reiki as a viable alternative treatment option especially in the areas of acute hospital care, hospice, pre-op and post-op, psychotherapy, stress, and trauma. It is also used not as a substitute, but in conjunction with other conventional medicine treatment options.

What is a Reiki Share?

Reiki Shares are gatherings of Reiki practitioners to practice Reiki as a group. Some Reiki circles are exclusive, open only to trained Reiki practitioners. An exclusive Reiki Circle is a gathering where practitioners can let their hair down a bit. These circles are meant as occasions to socialize with other Reiki healers, support each other's paths as healers, and to exchange Reiki treatments with one another.

Open Reiki Shares are invitational types of gatherings which allow the general public to come and experience Reiki in a group setting. Public circles are mainly intended to bring awareness to Reiki and to help educate anyone who is curious about learning about Reiki. These gatherings also help to promote Reiki practitioners as well as the benefits of reiki healing in the area.

Our mission with these shares is to offer people greater knowledge of and access to Reiki, a complementary healing practice whose primary benefits include relaxation and stress reduction. Through sharing the gift of Reiki, we hope to empower others in their journey as they seek balance and healing in their daily lives.

Our Reiki events are open to the general public who wish to receive a healing and to practitioners who wish to share their craft. 

 For more information about dates and locations of Reiki shares we sponsor, please visit our Facebook events page or Website

(c) 2015 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Upcoming 2015 Celebration of Reiki Conference

I am honored to be one of the featured 'Reiki Reaches Out' panelists this year for The Reiki Conference on April 26th in Brookline for my work the effectiveness use of Reiki to assist in healing survivors of abuse; domestic abuse, child abuse, and sex abuse. Hope to see you there. This will be a life changing event.

Conference Details:

Conference Theme: Living Reiki
Please discover what the 2015 Celebration of Reiki Conference Program has in store for you.

Sunday, April 26, 2015
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Holiday Inn, 1200 Beacon Street, Brookline, Massachusetts 02446

Reiki In Unexpected Places Panel - Moderator:  Jacki Katzman.  
Panelists: Lisa Biagetti (Reiki services to Wheelock College students; Reiki services at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital with parents of children with traumatic injuries), Laura Bonetzky-Joseph (Reiki services to survivors of domestic abuse), Judy Bousquin (Reiki services for homeless and poor women at The Woman's Lunch Place), Frederic Burnett (Reiki services with vulnerable youth in the Caribbean), Matthew McDonald (Reiki service to individuals living with HIV and to the LGBTQ community). Deborah Strafuss (Reiki services to individuals with Alzheimer's and their caregivers/families)

Laura is a holistic health professional, writer, Reiki Master Teacher, Registered Certified Medical Assistant, and Massachusetts Survivors Outreach (MASO) board member and volunteer, who has worked a cumulative in healthcare for over 15 years.  As a survivor of abuse, Laura discovered a discord in the healing process within abuse organizations, the legal system, and the healthcare system. Laura realized that, by using complementary therapies such as Reiki, in conjunction with traditional medical care, she finally began to heal.  Through her own healing, research, work as a holistic healthcare provider, and volunteer for survivors of abuse, she realized that we have the "cure," so to speak. Survivors do NOT have to become a statistic in the legal system nor the healthcare system.  The need is great and at epidemic levels.

Laura's goal is to get Reiki practice more accepted as a viable treatment option for survivors of abuse, solicit the appropriate partners for medical research, provide accredited training for holistic health professionals and allied health professionals, and end the cycle of abuse through healing.  With properly trained reiki professionals, the results of using reiki as a treatment option for victims of abuse are life changing.